
Blog Journal 10

 I learned so much while completing Project 5! First of all, I did not even know PowerPoint offered some of the tools that were used in Project 5.  I learned how to use the navigation buttons and can definitely see myself using them in the future! What I did not like about this assignment was just how time consuming it was. When I am an educator, I can't see myself having enough time to make something like this and think I would likely opt for a template that is already created.  I think I will use data tools like Qualtrics often in my teaching career. This is because it will allow me to reach out to parents and find out what they would like to see in the classroom and even see what the students want. I could see myself using Qualtrics to find out what book students wanted me to read aloud or what movie we could watch on a movie day! In the case of parents, I would ask questions about whether or not they would like for the class to spend time learning about our class pet!  The next

Blog Journal 9

 I have had an awesome experience in EME2040! Idam has made everything clear and easy to understand. I can say that before this class, I was somewhat nervous because I did poorly in Microcomputer Applications during my time dual enrolled. This class has changed my outlook on assignments like those and has encouraged me to challenge myself when assignments are difficult. I think Idam has made this a great classroom experience because she allows some flexibility but also makes the lessons direct. I plan to do this in my future classroom because it has made a difference in my experience! Open educational resources are such a great tool for teachers because it allows them to collaborate with other teachers. This resource can be especially helpful for beginner teachers because it can be hard to find resources or even have the time to make all of your own resources. When I was in elementary school, I remember my teachers talking about a resource titled "Teachers Pay Teachers" and I

Blog Journal 8

 During the web design assignment I was super excited to work on it because it was something I had never done before. Using Weebly was unique and unlike something I had done, so I had my fair share of questions to google. Overall the design elements I used included pictures, fonts, and colors. I think that adjusting the font and colors of the words on my website made a big difference in the overall appeal of the website. I overall really liked this assignment even though at times it was frustrating.    My Website! In my life currently, I don't use a lot of AI features just because I don't know how I feel about them. Specifically, a lot of people in my generation have been using the Snapchat AI feature. I feel as though the AI is tracking information through the messages sent by the user, so I choose not to partake. ChatGPT is also very popular with many of my classmates and I actually haven't used that platform either!! So as far as AI goes, I am not very familiar with the

Blog Journal 7

 When looking for a website, I looked at where I came from myself being Volusia County. The link to the webpage is and there was a lot of information on the different pages. One of the main pages was a list of supervisors and faculty for the county. This would be if a parent had a problem with the school and needed a resource outside of just the school. You can also find information about school hours, and how to become a volunteer at one of the schools.  As a teacher, I definitely imagine myself using a lot of different technology tools to get through my day. One being Google Calendar as I feel this will help me organize my log days. Another tool that I will use as a future teacher is Blogger for my classroom. I feel it will be a fun way to maybe do exit tickets, or start the day on a good note. I think technology is very relevant in schools, and will only become more popular, so it is important I have a good understanding of this information. I LOVED the Canva

Blog Journal 6

 I personally like Diigo but it is not my favorite tool we have used in this course. I feel that the tool is a little bit outdated, but works effectively. I do like that with Diigo we can add sticky notes because I feel like that is a tool I will continue to use throughout school. What I do not like about Diigo is that it isn't super user friendly. When using sticky notes I noticed the sticky note quickly disappears and doesn't auto stay open.  I really like the blogging process! It has been one of my favorite aspects of this course and I could see myself blogging when I am a teacher. The only thing I do not enjoy about blogging specifically on Blogger is that I feel the blog looks a little boring. What I really enjoy about Blogger is that it keeps the text super organized and neat on the webpage. I also really like reading my peers posts, as everyone always has something different to say. Quizizz is a tool that I used in High School and loved. It allows students to practice m

Blog Journal 5

 I have enjoyed using Instagram as a young adult and even enjoyed using Instagram during my earlier years. I remember when I was in elementary school, I used to follow accounts about things I was interested in. One of the things I used to be super interested in was animals, so I would follow many animal related accounts. In my future career X and Instagram can both be used to help relay information and learn more about teaching. I also think it is a useful source when looking for a PLN as an educator or as a student.  The digital divide is very evident when you really look into it. Some of the main causes for a digital divide are income or parent perspectives. I think this could cause problems because so many aspects of learning are now revolved around technology. One valid point is that once I was in middle school, I was allowed to bring home a classroom laptop via checking it out. This made a big difference with bridging the digital gap as students that didn't have technology at

Blog Journal 4

 ELA technology standards are an important attribute to a child's education to prepare them for the world we run in. The standard that I want to talk about is SC.35.CS-CS.4.3 and is a benchmark to compare and contrast hardware and software. This is a basic benchmark that helps students to identify some terms related to technology. Another benchmark also was to identify parts of a computer such as the screen, mouse, and keyboard which is an important thing to be able to do. Considering we are in a world with constant innovation in technology, it is super important for students to learn these benchmarks. Based on my current skillset, I feel confident that I could teach this.  The website CPALM was really awesome and provided so many resources to help teachers. I ended up finding a fourth grade lesson plan with benchmarks covering ELA.4.v.1.1 and   SS.4.CG.3.1 . This is a  lesson plan to lean about Florida Government and the branches of Government. This resource could easily be used i