Blog Journal 10

 I learned so much while completing Project 5! First of all, I did not even know PowerPoint offered some of the tools that were used in Project 5.  I learned how to use the navigation buttons and can definitely see myself using them in the future! What I did not like about this assignment was just how time consuming it was. When I am an educator, I can't see myself having enough time to make something like this and think I would likely opt for a template that is already created. 

I think I will use data tools like Qualtrics often in my teaching career. This is because it will allow me to reach out to parents and find out what they would like to see in the classroom and even see what the students want. I could see myself using Qualtrics to find out what book students wanted me to read aloud or what movie we could watch on a movie day! In the case of parents, I would ask questions about whether or not they would like for the class to spend time learning about our class pet! 

The next technology related skill that I want to learn about is Photoshop! This is because the tool can be used for so much more than social media. Photoshop can be used to create awesome headshots for resumes and other important documents. I also think Photoshop can be helpful in creating YouTube content as this is an idea I have for the future. I would love to learn video editing because I have interest in being a content creator that brings viewers into the life of a teacher. 


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