Blog Journal 5

 I have enjoyed using Instagram as a young adult and even enjoyed using Instagram during my earlier years. I remember when I was in elementary school, I used to follow accounts about things I was interested in. One of the things I used to be super interested in was animals, so I would follow many animal related accounts. In my future career X and Instagram can both be used to help relay information and learn more about teaching. I also think it is a useful source when looking for a PLN as an educator or as a student. 

The digital divide is very evident when you really look into it. Some of the main causes for a digital divide are income or parent perspectives. I think this could cause problems because so many aspects of learning are now revolved around technology. One valid point is that once I was in middle school, I was allowed to bring home a classroom laptop via checking it out. This made a big difference with bridging the digital gap as students that didn't have technology at home had access to a form of technology. 

Academic software has become extremely popular in schools. When I was in middle and high school, a lot of my classes used Kahoot! and Quizlet. These were both awesome for making sure students were understanding the class material. Another software we used was Quizizz, which had a similar purpose of learning and understanding course material. As an educator, I would definitely use some of these software's if I had the resources so that students could access the programs. 


  1. I definitely agree what you said about the digital divide! My sister used to be a teacher in the inner city in Memphis and she definitely struggled with the digital divide in her classroom. Fortunately, her students were provided Chrome Books, but I know that other schools, teachers, and students aren't as fortunate.


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