
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Journal 7

 When looking for a website, I looked at where I came from myself being Volusia County. The link to the webpage is and there was a lot of information on the different pages. One of the main pages was a list of supervisors and faculty for the county. This would be if a parent had a problem with the school and needed a resource outside of just the school. You can also find information about school hours, and how to become a volunteer at one of the schools.  As a teacher, I definitely imagine myself using a lot of different technology tools to get through my day. One being Google Calendar as I feel this will help me organize my log days. Another tool that I will use as a future teacher is Blogger for my classroom. I feel it will be a fun way to maybe do exit tickets, or start the day on a good note. I think technology is very relevant in schools, and will only become more popular, so it is important I have a good understanding of this information. I LOVED the Canva

Blog Journal 6

 I personally like Diigo but it is not my favorite tool we have used in this course. I feel that the tool is a little bit outdated, but works effectively. I do like that with Diigo we can add sticky notes because I feel like that is a tool I will continue to use throughout school. What I do not like about Diigo is that it isn't super user friendly. When using sticky notes I noticed the sticky note quickly disappears and doesn't auto stay open.  I really like the blogging process! It has been one of my favorite aspects of this course and I could see myself blogging when I am a teacher. The only thing I do not enjoy about blogging specifically on Blogger is that I feel the blog looks a little boring. What I really enjoy about Blogger is that it keeps the text super organized and neat on the webpage. I also really like reading my peers posts, as everyone always has something different to say. Quizizz is a tool that I used in High School and loved. It allows students to practice m

Blog Journal 5

 I have enjoyed using Instagram as a young adult and even enjoyed using Instagram during my earlier years. I remember when I was in elementary school, I used to follow accounts about things I was interested in. One of the things I used to be super interested in was animals, so I would follow many animal related accounts. In my future career X and Instagram can both be used to help relay information and learn more about teaching. I also think it is a useful source when looking for a PLN as an educator or as a student.  The digital divide is very evident when you really look into it. Some of the main causes for a digital divide are income or parent perspectives. I think this could cause problems because so many aspects of learning are now revolved around technology. One valid point is that once I was in middle school, I was allowed to bring home a classroom laptop via checking it out. This made a big difference with bridging the digital gap as students that didn't have technology at

Blog Journal 4

 ELA technology standards are an important attribute to a child's education to prepare them for the world we run in. The standard that I want to talk about is SC.35.CS-CS.4.3 and is a benchmark to compare and contrast hardware and software. This is a basic benchmark that helps students to identify some terms related to technology. Another benchmark also was to identify parts of a computer such as the screen, mouse, and keyboard which is an important thing to be able to do. Considering we are in a world with constant innovation in technology, it is super important for students to learn these benchmarks. Based on my current skillset, I feel confident that I could teach this.  The website CPALM was really awesome and provided so many resources to help teachers. I ended up finding a fourth grade lesson plan with benchmarks covering ELA.4.v.1.1 and   SS.4.CG.3.1 . This is a  lesson plan to lean about Florida Government and the branches of Government. This resource could easily be used i

Classroom Setup Inspiration

  " Classroom 2 " by  misskprimary  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0 .